In this tutorial, we will start building the class for the protagonist. The protagonist went through many name changes in our game but for the purpose of this tutorial it would be called Hero. Its shape would be circular so from the physics perspective we will make a class to handle circular objects collisions with…
Tag: LibGdx
Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part VI
In this tutorial we will look at one part of initialization which would be to load a level from a text file. We will be taking our game Polar as the reference so we would be loading specific data needed for defining levels from a text file. We did not build a level editor because…
Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part V
This would be a small tutorial regarding the basic structure of the Gameplay screen. We would start by creating the Gameplay class which would extend the abstract class Screen which we made in Part I of this series. The structure would be similar to the MainMenu class. public Gameplay(int backScreenid,OrthographicCamera cam,TapResponse tapresponse,int levelNumber){ BackScreenID=backScreenid; …
Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part IV
In this tutorial we would be creating two classes. One, the Game class which would be instantiated by Libgdx android/desktop projects and a MainMenu class. Game class would handle the different game screens present. Game: Before game class we would add some values in Assets class and make one more global settings class for screen….
Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part III
In this tutorial we would finish the Menu Screen and look at the Camera and TapResponse class . Camera Making a wrapper for camera can help in lots of situations and decreases a lot of work later on. It can be used to easily incorporate different effects like rotation, scaling and translation(useful for platformer games)…
Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part II
As we mentioned in our last tutorial Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part I, we would be making buttons here which appear in our main menu, taking reference from our game Polar. Before we get to the button class we would talk about the BitmapFont and Text Wrapper classes BitmapFont: They are bitmaps which contain array of…
Game Development in Android using Libgdx Part I
In this post we will concentrate on different screens which are a part of a game like menus, scoreboard and gameplay. We would take our game Polar as a reference. Before going into the screens we would make a folder called assets in Android Project. Here is the screenshot of the folder structure of the project….
Starting Game Development in Android with Libgdx
This post talks about the basics of game development in Android. In this post we would be assuming that you have eclipse and ADT plugin installed. Checkout the official link to see how. For setting up libgdx a video tutorial is available in the developers’ site along with written instructions. You can download the library from their google…
We’re here, somewhere.
Things haven’t been particularly definable in the last month, since we jumped onto the Android game development wave. We haven’t been more unsure of anything ever before this and haven’t been as focused before this either. We released our first game – Polar – on 29th December 2011, with a set of beliefs (assumptions) about what was needed…